The Most Curious Canned Foods Found Online
Canned Bird's Nest Drink
The Chinese have served bird's nest soup, considered a delicacy, for hundreds of years. It's made using the nests of swiftlets, or cave swifts. The nests are collected by hunters on precariously tall ladders and then dissolved into soup. Said to stimulate cell growth, raise libido and boost the immune system, these edible abodes are among the most expensive animal-food products consumed; They are rare, difficult to harvest and require a labor-intensive cleaning process. Don't feel like dropping the coin to get a taste of the cure-all nectar? Pop a tab on the canned bird's nest drink, and get your vitamins on the go.
Arctic Delight — Reindeer Paté
While this is probably the most palatable food on our list, we include it for the wrongness factor: "Mommy, why is daddy eating puréed Rudolph?" Here's the upside to snacking on Santa's Little Helper -- because the reindeer are farm-raised by Sami herdsmen in Sweden on a simple diet of moss and lichen, your dinner delicacy is delightfully hormone-free. Not to mention, this other red meat is incredibly lean, clocking in at a mere 2 percent fat content, making it one of the least-fatty meats in your cart. As an added bonus, there's no such thing as mad reindeer disease.
For Emergency Use Only — Sue's Canned Whole Chicken
Canned meats generally don't put a rumbly in our tumbly, but in a pinch, perhaps in the event of a major cataclysm, we'd throw down with some Vienna Sausages. However, this canned chicken takes the canned-meat cake. The impossibly tiny chicken crammed into this 50-ounce can slides out with a generous portion of gelatinous goop, or rather, "delicious gravy."
Afternoon Delight — Silkworm Pupae
Literally meaning pupa or chrysalis, beondegi are popular Korean street snacks, often dished out by the cupful to eager passers-by. The stewed and seasoned silkworm treats come highly recommended as bar bites. Next time you crave a quick mouthful on the go, grab a can of these crunchy chrysalises.
Forbidden Fruit — Durian
Durian fruit is a popular ingredient in its native Southeast Asia. It's chock full of nutrients and minerals, and found in everything from soup to ice cream. The catch? It smells absolutely awful.
While the custard-like texture of the fruit's edible interior is noted for its creamy, almond-sweet flesh, the scent is anything but. Its nauseating bouquet includes hints of rotten fish, fermented onions, overripe cheese and unwashed socks. The durian's smell attracts hungry animals eager to devour the produce (effective for seed dispersion) but repels humans. Because of its stench, the fruit is commonly forbidden on airplanes, buses and subways.
The seasonal fruit is highly prized and expensive in Asia, but a rare find in the United States, although a quick scan at a local Asian market is likely to turn up a can or two.
Slippery When Wet — Jellied Eels
Not much comes to mind when we hear the phrase "fine English cuisine," and jellied eels are a prime example of why this is the case. Caught from the murky depths of the Thames River estuary, boiled with salt and pimentos, set in gelatin and then served with a dash of chili vinegar, each bite is a gooey challenge for the average palate. The traditional dish originated in London's East End and is rumored to date back to a culinary dark age before its better-known (and more-appetizing) cousin, fish 'n' chips, had been created.
Canned Haggis
Classic Scottish haggis has several variations, but a common cooking method involves stuffing oatmeal, onions, seasonings and a mixture of minced organ meats (think heart, liver, lungs) into the stomach of a sheep. That succulent sausage concoction is then simmered in water for several hours to produce the traditional treat. Pick up a couple of cans for a rainy day, and don't forget the neeps and tatties!
Tasty Tonic — Bottled Balut
Sure, it's not in a can, but bottled balut deserves a spot on our list based on the Fear Factor-esque motivation required to polish off a helping of these puppies -- uh, make that duckies. A popular Filipino street snack, balut is a boiled three-week-old fertilized duck egg, eaten straight out of the shell.
Corn 'shrooms
Corn 'shrooms (huitlacoche or cuitlachoe) are the product of a corn disease, caused by a plant parasite that attacks crops. The pathogen causes kernels to swell as much as 10 times in size, distort, and darken in color as they bloat with spores from the infectious fungus.
Bustin' Out — Surströmming
How do you know when your surströmming (soured herring) is ready to be devoured? When the cans bulge around the middle, an effect caused by a gassy, bacterial byproduct of its lengthy fermenting process.
To prepare this traditional Swedish meal, herring from the Baltic Sea are gutted and tinned in brine, then stored somewhere (preferably warm) for several months. Its pungent aroma makes dining alfresco an absolute must. Locals recommend opening the can under water whenever possible to contain the tantalizing odor of rotten egg, rancid butter and vinegar that results from the fermentation process.

Arctic Delight — Reindeer Paté

For Emergency Use Only — Sue's Canned Whole Chicken

Afternoon Delight — Silkworm Pupae

Forbidden Fruit — Durian

While the custard-like texture of the fruit's edible interior is noted for its creamy, almond-sweet flesh, the scent is anything but. Its nauseating bouquet includes hints of rotten fish, fermented onions, overripe cheese and unwashed socks. The durian's smell attracts hungry animals eager to devour the produce (effective for seed dispersion) but repels humans. Because of its stench, the fruit is commonly forbidden on airplanes, buses and subways.
The seasonal fruit is highly prized and expensive in Asia, but a rare find in the United States, although a quick scan at a local Asian market is likely to turn up a can or two.
Slippery When Wet — Jellied Eels

Canned Haggis

Tasty Tonic — Bottled Balut

Corn 'shrooms

Bustin' Out — Surströmming

To prepare this traditional Swedish meal, herring from the Baltic Sea are gutted and tinned in brine, then stored somewhere (preferably warm) for several months. Its pungent aroma makes dining alfresco an absolute must. Locals recommend opening the can under water whenever possible to contain the tantalizing odor of rotten egg, rancid butter and vinegar that results from the fermentation process.
its eaten like that. We also eat hrútspung, male sheep balls.
Thanks for the great post!
durian isn't as bad smelling as they described it
it doesnt smell like socks or whatever
its great, you should try it
Why do people murder animals just to eat them?
I dunno wassup man... the smell doesn't phase me at all, it doesn't smell the least bit awful to me...the only time i can't stand it is when it's artificially made durian flavor products...yea those are horrible. However fresh durian doesn't phase me or my family members at all. My friends can't seem to handle it though and they are Asian.... hmmm.... weird.
Yea you can find them frozen and imported from Asia in various Asian super markets.
The dish was served cold and the noodles were crunchy.
later found out that I had eaten live baby eels. They are kept cold so they won't move on the plate.
The giveaway was the small black dot at one end of the "noodle. That's the eel's eye.
There is a possibility in sea cucumbers, pufferfish and lots of other acquatic things. Oh ya, how about camel eyes?
Us North Americaners have such a small repertoire of goodies and then we mock cultures which appreciate lots of other things.
I almost forget those fermented Norwegian fish - can't remember the name. The restaurant smelled awful (to me).
I love'm!
Not that common here in the UK anymore so they're relatively expensive (but then so is all fish). I had a bowl (washing-up bowl size) of them made for my wedding reception which surprised the guests!
If you come across them you must try them but beware! In each piece you will find bone - the eel's spine - so suck the flesh off first then discard the bone before you start to chew/swallow. And don't forget the jelly!
Season with a drop of vinegar and pepper first.
In my opinion they're superior to caviar.
I can't eat it, or stand the taste, but i know many people that loves it.
It is eaten with flat bread or a potato tortilla, potatoes, pickled beets and onions, and a healthy dose of beer and potato liquor to kill any germs.
I found it in a big chain grocery store in Canada - possibly Dominion. It was under the specialty/ethnic sauce and drink aisle.
Now I knew well in advance about the reputation Durians had for emanating an unbelievably nasty funk, as well as read some hilarious stories involving it. Needless to say my interest was piqued and I really wanted to try one.
Well that dream came true one day when my brother who for reasons unknown wandered in huge asian supermarket called T&T where he found whole raw durians. They were kept in the refrigerated section for obvious reasons.
I have heard descriptions of the durian stink that ranged from rancid flesh, to raw sewage. Well refrigeration is clearly very effective at combating the smell because the fruit actually smelled pretty decent.
The taste was very interesting. Sweet and sorta nutty. The edible parts are basically sacks of what looks like custard with a large pit inside each one. I had it chilled and it was easy to forget that I was eating a raw fruit and not some kind of prepared desert. I would definitely have it again.
If anyone is interested in checking out food you wouldn't see at your average grocery store, the T&T supermarket is in Mississauga, about a ten minute drive from the Square One mall. Sorry I can't be anymore specific than that.
I first ran across durians in East Malaysia 35 years ago where I was living as a volunteer. Being isolated in the jungle, I didn't get to know them until riding with a friend who made the landrover stop as he immediately knew we had passed a lorry (truck) carrying fresh durians.
All hotels had signs in each room warning that if durians were present in the room, the occupants would be kicked out. All airlines also had dire warnings about trying to carry them on.
After a few tries, I got to like them however, the season is short, about 3-4 weeks, so they were not available most of the time.
The current durians are bred for a low smell quality and are also frozen ripe for export from wherever they come from, probably China. You can also look for durian cake (jelly-like) and durian ice-cream. I've also seen a durian drink in a can on the local asian supermarket shelves.
Thus endeth the lesson on durian. See a wiki or google search for more info.
One thing people haven't mentioned is traditional kimchi. For those who aren't familiar with this the Koreans basically layer cabbage, salt and red pepper, put it in clay kimchi pots and bury it for a couple months. When I was in Korea the smell permeated the countryside. It really is good (much better than boiled cabbage) although you have to be careful as some is very spicy. Now there are many variants with different spices and vegetables.
One of the milder forms of "questionable" food is something the Australians call Vegemite (in England, Marmite), a sort of yeast paste with a revolting taste. Unfortunately, it's chock-full of nutrients (the Australians give it to their astronaut chaps to sustain them if they have to stay out there forever).
Thre are a lot of Japanese markets near us. Naming things is not something to take on lightly - one popular canned drink is named "Pokari Sweat" - evidently sorta like Gatorade. And the name seems to be deliberately chosen. (You can find photos online.)
The bottom line seems to be, there's almost nothing organic that people won't eat.
I still wonder, though, how the first guy discovered that you could eat clams. Or the guy who discovered that you could eat certain kinds of tubers, but if you didn't cook them, they'd kill you.
Is rakfisk the same as lutefisk?
That lutefisk was the name I was looking for. I don't know if ratfisk is the same but they didn't make the people in my restaurant go outside and I wish they had.
I agree with you as I often wonder how folks found out stuff like what to eat but after it had been boiled and drained and possibly neutralized with something else.
I was reading an article about organic medicine ie. indigenous "medicine". There is one "cure" for among other things, chronic backpain.
Apparently, they take the roots of a vine and pound them up and boil them. Then they take the fresh leaves of another plant and combine them with the root paste and then cool the whole thing down.
They did this for a researcher with chronic back pain for years. They told him he would feel freezing cold for 5 or so hours and then would fall into a sleep from utter fatigue. When he woke up he would be cured. It worked. Now tell me how they found all this out without killing off all their small tribe?
How did the Arabs learn about eye surgery and brain surgery? Can't kill too many people without spoiling your reputation.
Can't offer people too many dangerous foods without losing your reputation and probably your life. Just like the sushi chefs who cut out the poisonous organs of the pufferfish and then making sashimi.
Hmmmmm... Does our modern society just not get it. You mentioned organic stuff. What about inorganic stuff like that substitute for fat and sweeteners and artificial flavors?
Yes,i agree Westerners would be disgusted at just the sight of it. But rest assured,that it's very delicious.
Go here to witness a durian feast>>
And that durian? Smells like crap, but actually doesnt taste that bad...Just thought you guys should know.
the picture of the Surströmming are from the brand Oskars Surströmming, that was elected as the best Surströmming in Sweden by the local newspaper in the town Söderhamn, söderhamnskuriren.
I've heard that it taste really good and, because that i am from Sweden, i have the posibillity to taste it in the traditional way, on thin bread (Tunnbröd) with sour cream and red onions.
also, What do you have against eating reindeer? It tastes REALLY good!
Folks, let me tell you, Oskars surstromming is truly delicious in taste, but, it puts a hurt on your nose for sure.
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